Google Ad
5 Minutes

Exact Vs Phrase


If we use phrase match keywords instead of exact match, we will see an increase in daily spend and a subsequent increase in conversions.




Significant result! Variant B’s conversion rate (2.09%) was 250.87% higher than variant A’s conversion rate (0.60%). You can be 90% confident that variant B will perform better than variant A.
Increase in Conversions
Increase in CTR


Red Sentry was relying heavily on custom graphics in their ads. In doing competitive research, they began to notice that many of their larger-competitors had strayed away from this visual style on LinkedIn, relying more heavily on stock photos or other similar images. This lead to the hypothesis that this kind of image could perform better for Red Sentry's target market.

In order to test the theory, they used the same language and targeting of one of their more successful ads, and only changed the image. After a few weeks of running, the new ad had significantly higher engagement, confirming the theory.

Red Sentry is now running additional tests against other audience sets and messaging to ensure this wasn't a coincidence. If successful, they'll eventually shift the majority of their ads to this style, using the learnings to continually drive higher clicks and conversions.


Increase in Conversions


Increase in CTR


Written by
AB Wizard Team
Published on
August 31, 2024
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