Social Advertising

Tests that are run on social ad channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
Social Advertising

Best Practices

Emoji Language - No Image

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

Awareness - Competitor Graphic Hood

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

High Intent - Form Below Logos

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

Exact Vs Phrase

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

Ad Schedule Test - All days vs WeekDays

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

Device Targeting - All vs Mobile

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.

Images vs. Custom Graphics in LinkedIn Ads

Tested utilizing similar style graphics to our competitors, theorizing it would grow our conversions and CTR.